I spent my entire career climbing up the corporate ladder — working at Fortune 500 companies as well as start-ups, in marketing, events, sales, promotions and PR. Then, in 2010, after living life and working in New York City, my husband and I moved to the Big Island of Hawaii in 2010.
I became a project manager, marketer and salesperson for a digital marketing agency where I could keep utilizing my comprehensive experience and ability to see the intricacies of business systems while enjoying sunsets at the end of the day.
In 2013, I was in a meeting talking to the partners of a 3-year old retail venture about the benefits of updating their website — asking how they served their target market, pricing, customer service practices, and other clarifying questions — when it hit me:

So many businesses have holes in their processes and they're leaking energy, time and money.Alex Mitchell
I recognized this in that venture as well as in so many other businesses I was working with — I went through my own learning process when I launched my grocery shopping and delivery service years ago. Yeeesh! I spent a lot of time figuring out “chicken-or-the-egg” processes, tripping through too many redundant software apps, not asking the right questions at the right time of the right people and waking up at 2am dozens of nights trying to figure next steps. Not only wasn’t I the only entrepreneur who went through these experiences, MOST business owners go through that. And many do it for years.
So I flipped the script and instead of focusing on the bits and pieces that business need, I now help clients see the bigger picture for their businesses — how systems should and can work more efficiently, ways to eliminate duplication, plugging holes and most of all increasing revenue.
better, smoother and faster.